Reiman Clematis

I have this Reiman Clematis by the front door. It is compact compared to the Jackmanii


Over the years, I have created a small bird sanctuary in my yard. This year, I added oriole feeders and boy did they show up! Have only been able to get one crappy pic from my phone so far, but I'll take it over nothing. I also had my hummers return this year and I added a solar fountain to the bird bath. Birds prefer moving water


I planted this Jackmanii Clematis 3 years ago. It REALLY took off this year SO the old saying....1st year they sleep, 2nd year they creep and 3rd year they leap really was true for this baby. There IS a trellis under there somewhere!

Seven Sister Rose

I started this Seven Sister rose 2 years ago from a cutting from an aunt. It is 3rd generation in the family. It is very easy to propagate, so I am pretty sure I will plant this everywhere!!